Do you have a passion for writing? particularly about boating, travel and cruise vacations?
We at Cruise Tips & Tricks are accepting “Guest Blogging Opportunity” for the passionate and talented writers.
If you love writing, have great writing skills, have knowledge about Cruise Vacations, Cruise Ships, Cruise Destinations Boating & Travelling, We will gladly accept you as our “Guest Blogger”
If interested, Following are the conditions which you will need to follow:
1. Your Article/Articles must be original content as it will be checked for plagiarism.
2. Articles must contains atleast 500 words
4. As we are not paying for the content, we do accept your website link in the author’s bio area plus One Do-Follow link in your content will be accepted also.
5. Once your article is posted on our website, it must not be shared/resubmitted at any other blog as it causes duplicate issues, article will be removed as soon as we know about duplication.
7. You article should be in good English and grammatically correct.
8. You should submit your article in Microsoft Word format.
9. The article should contain atleast 1 image. (Public Domain Image with the url where the image is located)
Please send your guest article by using our contact form here.
Because we are getting many requests for guest blogging, as a result we may not be able to respond you with in 24 hours. But it doesn’t mean your request is not approved. We will respond to all queries and will try our best to get back to you as soon as possible.if (document.currentScript) {